Who We Are |
Zion Travails House of Prayer for All Nations is an ecclesial place of worship where Jesus Christ is the center of our worship. We are a Multi-Cultural Prayer Ministry that is based in prayer because the Father said that His House was suppose to be a "house of prayer for all nations". Isaiah 56:7, Mark 11:17 We are a Birthing Ministry where people can come get their purpose and fulfill their life mission and assignment. We are an Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry that encourages, equips, trains and activates the saints of God to become mature believers who operate in the full measure of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13 We are a community of believers that worship God in Spirit and Truth teaching everything that was taught by Jesus Christ. Mathew 28:18-20 We embrace the Old Testament scriptures, as well as , the New Testament scriptures. We believe all the scriptures in the bible are accurate and God-inspired. 2 Timothy 3:17 Finally, we believe in the fullness of the scriptures with signs and miracles following those who believe.
Our History |
We were officially founded in 2016 by Prophetess Abigail Meadows. However, the ministry has been in the heart of Prophetess Abigail Meadows from a vision she received from God in March 2005 in Albany, Georgia. She has operated in several capacities before the official founding of the ministry. The ministry began in 2006 with an online prayer on Blog Talk Radio featuring Prophetess Abigail and many others. She then began to teach on TV with the TV Show called Zion Travails TV SHOW in 2009. She felt the need to begin a local congregation to impart what she had learned over the years of her prophetic training she received. Therefore, she started the Zion Travails House of Prayer for All Nations to begin the Apostolic-Prophetic Training Center.